Request for citizen research and crowdsourcing feedback
Have you been part of a digitally enabled citizen research or crowdsourcing project with cultural heritage collections? As part of our AHRC-funded Engaging Crowds project, we're reaching out to cultural heritage practitioners running citizen research projects online. We'd like to know: Who is working with online volunteers and heritage collections? How is the experience for the organisers and the digital volunteers? Did you create new networks? Was the project successful in what you set out to do? Were there any surprises? How are you using the data created by the project? Did the project take you in new directions?
Whether the project was part of a volunteer or community heritage group, or you work in a gallery, library, archive, museum or other heritage organisation, we would love to hear from you! We understand these times are challenging and we'd be grateful for information you can give us in any form - a summary or internal report you'd be willing to share, a blog post, Twitter thread, website, published newspaper or academic article, or book. We will credit everyone's work when we write this up, respect any sensitive information, and share our findings publicly.
Please tell us about your work by emailing by 28 February 2021.